
This is a web application that I created through FullStackOpen. The project helped me learn how to design a CRUD application with the modern MERN tech stack.

This phonebook is implemented with Create React App to seamlessly create a single-page React application. In the application, the user can search for a contact, add a contact, or remove a contact. If an already existing contact is added, the user will be prompted with an update option.

I gained a lot of experience with developing a full-stack web application through this project. The frontend uses React and CSS, with axios as the HTTP client. The backend uses Express, a Node framework, and MongoDB Atlas for database storage. Lastly, the application was originally deployed via git to Heroku. However, since Heroku will no longer be free in November 2022, I redeployed it to This experience taught me important concepts, such as Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS), promises, and debugging with both a frontend and a backend.


Link to the Project:
Source:  giorgio-tran/fullstackopen/tree/main/part3/phonebook